Resolutions 102550100155 entries per pageSearch: DATERESOLUTION NUMBERTITLEKEYWORDS 03/06/252557Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute the Manassas Line Funding Agreement with the Virginia Passenger Rail AuthorityVRE; VPRA 03/06/252556Request WMATA to Allocate FY 2026 Commonwealth of Virginia Operating Subsidy Assistance Using the NVTC Subsidy Allocation Model Formula (SAM)WMATA; Metro 03/06/252555Approve the FY 2026 State Transit Assistance Applications to DRPT VRE; funding; grant 01/16/252554Authorize the VRE CEO to Submit a Joint VRE-VPRA Application for a Planning Grant to the USDOT PROTECT FY2024-2025 Funding RoundVRE; funding; grant 01/16/252553Adopt and Refer the Amended VRE FY 2025 and Recommended FY 2026 Operating and Capital Budgets to the Commissions and Participating and Contributing JurisdictionsVRE; budget 01/16/252552NVTC’s Guiding Principles for Future Transit Funding transit; funding 01/16/252551Authorize the NVTC Executive Director to Submit an Application for a Community Project Funding Grant to the Federal Transit AdministrationKey Words: Route 7; funding; grant 01/16/252550Designation of NVTC Signatories and Pension TrusteesSignatories; Pension 01/16/252549Approve the Recommended 2025 NVTC Committee Membership committee 01/16/252548Selection of NVTC Representatives to Various Boards for 2025WMATA; Metro; VRE; VTA 12/05/24Commending the Honorable Libby Garvey on Her Departure from the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission Commendation 12/05/242547Authorize the VRE CEO to Submit VRE Applications to the NVTC I-395/95 Commuter Choice FY2026-2027 Program VRE; Commuter Choice; I-395 12/05/242546Accept and Authorize Distribution of VRE’s FY 2024 Annual Comprehensive Financial ReportVRE; audit 12/05/242545Approve the 2025 VRE Legislative Agenda VRE; legislative 12/05/242544Extend Term of NVTC Alternate to the WMATA Board of DirectorsWMATA 10/03/24Resolution Commending the Honorable Mary Hynes on Her 30 Years of Dedicated Service Commendation 10/03/242543Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Operating Access Agreement with Norfolk Southern Railway for Track Access and DispatchingVRE, Norfolk Southern; NS 10/03/242542Authorize the VRE CEO to Refer the Preliminary FY 2026 VRE Operating and Capital Budgets to the Participating and Contributing JurisdictionsVRE; budget 10/03/242541Approve and Authorize the VRE CEO to Amend the Lease Agreement for Parking at the VRE Broad Run StationVRE; parking 10/03/242540Approve the Amended VRE Electronic Participation PolicyVRE 07/18/242539Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Interim Operating Access Agreement with the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA) and Direct the VRE CEO to Finalize Operating Access Agreements with VPRA and Norfolk Southern Railway and a Funding Agreement with VPRA for VRE Manassas Line AcquisitionVRE, Norfolk Southern, NS 07/18/242538Request WMATA to Allocate Commonwealth of Virginia Operating Subsidy Assistance Using the NVTC Subsidy Allocation Model Formula (SAM) WMATA; Metro 06/06/242537Authorize the VRE CEO to Extend the Term of the Operating Access Agreement with Norfolk Southern VRE, Norfolk Southern, NS 06/06/242536Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Amendment for the Fourth Year of the First Option Period of the Contract for Maintenance Services for Commuter Rail with Keolis Rail Services Virginia, LLC VRE, Keolis, Maintenance 06/06/242535Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Amendment for the Fifth Year of the Second Option Period of the Contract for Operating Services for Commuter Rail with Keolis Rail Services Virginia, LLCVRE, Keolis, Operating 06/06/242534Approve the I-66 Commuter Choice Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-2026 Program of Projects for Submission to the Commonwealth Transportation Board and Authorize the Executive Director to Execute the Standard Project Agreements Commuter Choice, I-66 05/02/24Resolution of Commendation for DRPT Director Jennifer DeBruhl on her Departure from NVTCCommendation 03/07/24Resolution of Commendation for John C. Tuck, III on His Departure from NVTC Commendation 03/07/24Resolution of Commendation for M. David Skiles on His Departure from NVTC Commendation 03/07/24Resolution of Commendation for Joseph Kornhoff on His Departure from NVTCCommendation 03/07/24Resolution of Commendation for Aimee S. Gilroy on Her Departure from NVTC Commendation 03/07/242533Ratify VRE's Submission, on Behalf of the Commissions, of an Application to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) for Funding Consideration for the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant Program VRE; grant 03/07/242532Approve the FY 2025 State Transit Assistance Applications to DRPT funding; grant 01/04/24Commending the Honorable Mike Turner on His Departure from the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission Commendation 01/04/24Commending the Honorable Jeffrey C. McKay on His Departure from the Northern Virginia Transportation CommissionCommendation 01/04/24Commending the Honorable Dalia Palchik for Her Service as Chair of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission for 2023Commendation 01/04/242531Adopt and Refer the Amended VRE FY 2024 and Recommended FY 2025 Operating and Capital Budgets to the Commissions and Participating and Contributing JurisdictionsVRE; budget 01/04/242530Accept the Northern Virginia Zero-Emission Bus Strategic PlanZero-Emission; Bus 01/04/242529Designation of NVTC Signatories and Pension TrusteesSignatories, Pension 01/04/242528Approve the Recommended 2024 NVTC Committee Membershipcommittee 01/04/242527Selection of NVTC Representatives to Various BoardsWMATA, Metro, VRE, VTA 12/07/23Commending the Honorable John Foust on His Departure from the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission Commendation 12/07/232526Authorize the VRE CEO to Submit VRE Applications to the NVTC I-66 Commuter Choice FY2025-2026 ProgramVRE; Commuter Choice 12/07/232525Accept and Authorize Distribution of VRE’s FY 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial ReportVRE; audit 12/07/232524Approve the 2024 VRE Legislative AgendaVRE; legislative 12/07/232523Affirm NVTC’s Near-Term Priorities for WMATA FundingWMATA 12/07/23Commending the Honorable John Bell on His Departure from the Northern Virginia Transportation CommissionCommendation 12/07/23Commending Nick Clemente on His Departure from the Northern Virginia Transportation CommissionCommendation 11/02/232522Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2451 “Authorize the VRE CEO to Enter into a Right-of-Way Easement Agreement with Rappahannock Electric Cooperative for LOU Facility Electric ServiceVRE 11/02/232521Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2450 “Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute a Contract with Alstom Transportation Inc. of New York, New York, for 21 New Passenger RailcarsVRE; railcars 11/02/232520Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2447 “Approve Commuter Choice in the I-395/95 Corridor Round Two Program of Projects for Submission to the Commonwealth Transportation Board and Authorize the Executive Director to Execute Standard Project AgreementsCommuter Choice; I-395 11/02/232519Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2445 “Appointment of VRE General Counsel and Chief Legal OfficerVRE 11/02/232518Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2444 “Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute the Amended and Restated Operating/Access Agreement and the Master Lease Agreement with CSX TransportationVRE; CSXT 11/02/232517Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2443 Approve the Third Amended and Restated Memorandum of Agreement to the MOA of the Transform 66: Inside the Beltway ProjectCommuter Choice; I-66 11/02/232516Ratify and Readopt Motion Approving a Limited Waiver of the Conflict for McGuire Woods, LLP VRE 11/02/232515Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2431Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Agreement with the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA), or Alternatively the Department of Rail and Public Transportation for Later Assignment to the VPRA, for Passenger Rail Improvements and FundingVRE; VPRA 11/02/232514Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2430 Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Agreement with the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA), or Alternatively the Department of Rail and Public Transportation for Later Assignment to the VPRA, for Passenger Rail Operations and AccessVRE; VPRA 11/02/232513Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2429 Approve an Agreement with City of Manassas Park for Design, Construction, Operations and Maintenance of Parking Garage at VRE Manassas Park StationVRE; Manassas; parking 11/02/232512Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2425: Adopt the Technical Evaluation Process for the Commuter Choice on the I-395/95 Corridor Program and Authorize the Executive Director to Issue a Call for Projects for I-395/95 Corridor Round Two (FY 2022-FY 2023) Commuter Choice; I-395 11/02/232511Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2424 Approve Policy Changes Governing the Commuter Choice Program in Both Corridors, I-66 Inside the Beltway and I-395/95Commuter Choice; I-66; I-395 11/02/232510Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2420 Approve I-66 Commuter Choice Initial Round Four (FY2021) Program of Projects for Submission to CTB and Authorize Executive Director to Execute Standard Project AgreementsCommuter Choice; I-66 11/02/232509Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2418 Appointment of VRE Chief Executive OfficerVRE; CEO 11/02/232508Ratify and Readopt the Motion Authorize the Executive Director to Sign the DRPT Master AgreementDRPT 11/02/232507Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2415 Authorize the Acting VRE CEO to Amend the Agreement with the City of Manassas for the Operation and Maintenance of the Manassas Parking FacilityVRE; Manassas; parking 11/02/232506Ratify and Readopt Resolution #2412 Authorize the Acting VRE CEO to Execute an Agreement with Amtrak for Access and Storage at Washington Union TerminalVRE; Amtrak 10/05/232505Authorize the Referral of the Preliminary FY 2025 VRE Operating and Capital Budget to the Participating and Contributing Jurisdictions VRE; budget 07/06/232504Approve and Authorize the VRE CEO to Submit VRE Projects to the Northern VirginiaTransportation Authority (NVTA) for FY 2024-2029 Six-Year Program Funding ConsiderationVRE; NVTA 06/01/232503Authorize the VRE CEO to Extend the Term of the Operating Access Agreement with Norfolk SouthernVRE; Norfolk Southern 06/01/232502Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Amendment for the Fourth Year of the Second Option Period of the Contract for Operating Services for Commuter Rail with Keolis Rail Services Virginia, LLCVRE; Keolis; Operating 06/01/232501Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Amendment for the Third Year of the First Option Period to the Contract for Maintenance Services for Commuter Rail with KeoIis Rail Services Virginia, LLC VRE; Keolis; Maintenance 06/01/232500Authorize the Executive Director to Execute an Amended Standard Project Agreement for Arlington County's FY 2020 Expanded Transportation Demand Management Outreach to the 1-66 Corridor Project (Key words: Commuter Choice; I-66) Commuter Choice; I-66 06/01/232499Approve the 1-395/95 Commuter Choice Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 Program of Projects for Submission to the Commonwealth Transportation Board and Authorize the Executive Director to Execute the Standard Project Agreements Commuter Choice; I-395/95 06/01/232498Appoint Takis Karantonis to Serve as a Principal Member to the VRE Operations Board VRE 02/02/232497Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute a Funding Agreement with AmtrakVRE, Amtrak 02/02/232496Approve the FY 2024 State Transit Assistance Applications to DRPTfunding; grant 01/05/232495Authorize the VRE CEO to Submit VRE Applications to the I-395/95 Commuter Choice FY 2024-2025 ProgramVRE; Commuter Choice 01/05/232494Adopt and Refer VRE’s Amended FY 2023 Budget and Recommended FY 2024 Budget to the JurisdictionsVRE; Budget 01/05/232493Designation of NVTC Signatories and Pension TrusteesSignatories, Pension 01/05/232492Selection of NVTC Representatives to Various Boards WMATA, Metro, VRE, VTA 01/05/23no numberCommending the Honorable Canek Aguirre for His Service as Chair of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission for 2022Commendation 12/01/22no numberCommending the Honorable David Meyer on His Departure from NVTCCommendation 12/01/222491Approve a Boundary Line Adjustment Deed and Plat for Conveyance of Manassas Park Property to the CommissionsVRE 12/01/222490Approve the 2023 VRE Legislative AgendaVRE; Legislative 12/01/222489Accept and Authorize Distribution of VRE’s FY 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial ReportVRE; audit 11/03/222488Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Amendment to the Site Lease Agreement with Qwest Corporation of DelawareVRE 11/03/222487Adopt Commuter Choice Technical Evaluation Process ChangesCommuter Choice 10/06/222486Authorize the VRE CEO to Refer the Preliminary FY 2024 VRE Operating and Capital Budget to the JurisdictionsVRE; budget 09/01/222485Approve the Revised VRE Operations Board Electronic Participation PolicyVRE 07/07/222484Withdrawal of Bona Fide Offer to Purchase the land and Improvements of Contractors Storage, LLC VRE; land 07/07/222483Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute Two Master Funding Agreements with the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA) for VRE Projects and Track Access FeesVRE; VPRA; Track Access 07/07/222482Authorize the VRE CEO to Amend the Amtrak Access and Storage AgreementVRE; Amtrak 06/02/222481Authorize the Issuance and Sale of Transportation District Special Bond Obligation Revenue Bonds (Transforming Rail in Virginia Program), Series 2022 (Green Bonds) VRE; CROC; Bonds 06/02/222480Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Amendment for the Second Year of the First Option Period of the Contract for Maintenance Services for Commuter Rail with Keolis Rail Services Virginia, LLCVRE; Maintenance; Keolis 06/02/222479Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Amendment for the Third Year of the Second Option Period of the Contract for Operating Services for Commuter Rail with Keolis Rail Services Virginia, LLC VRE; Operating; Keolis 06/02/222478Approve the 1-66 Commuter Choice Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 Program of Projects for Submission to the Commonwealth Transportation Board and Authorize the Executive Director to Execute the Standard Project Agreements Commuter Choice; I-66 06/02/222477Authorize the Executive Director to Apply to DRPT for 2023 Transit Recovery Marketing Initiative Funds and to Execute a Memorandum of Agreement with Local Jurisdictions for the Local MatchGrant; Marketing 05/05/22no numberResolution of Commendation for Jennifer Mitchell on Her Departure from NVTCCommendation 05/05/222476Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute a Deed of Ground Lease and Parking Garage Agreement at the VRE Manassas Park StationVRE; Parking 05/05/222475Approve NVTC's Title VI Program and Authorize the Executive Director or Her Designee to Submit the Program to the Federal Transit AdministrationTitle VI 05/05/222474Authorize the Executive Director Execute a Contract for NVTC Financial Auditing ServicesAudit 03/03/222473Approve the Submission of a FY 2023 Technical Assistance Application to DRPT for the Northern Virginia Regional Bus AnalysisFunding, Grant, Bus 03/03/222472Approve the FY 2023 State Transit Assistance Application to DRPT for a Northern Virginia Regional Zero-Emission Bus Strategic PlanFunding, Grant, Bus 03/03/222471Approve the FY 2023 State Transit Assistance Applications to DRPTFunding, Grant 03/03/22no numberCommending the Honorable Eileen Filler-Corn on Her Departure from NVTCCommendation 03/03/22no numberCommending the Honorable Richard Sullivan on His Departure from NVTCCommendation 03/03/22no numberCommending the Honorable David Reid on His Departure from NVTCCommendation 03/03/22no numberCommending the Honorable Paul Krizek on His Departure from NVTCCommendation 01/06/22no numberCommending the Honorable Katie Cristol for Her Service as Chair of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission for 2020 and 2021Commendation 01/06/22no numberCommending the Honorable Elizabeth Bennett-Parker on Her Departure from NVTCCommendation 01/06/222470Adopt and Refer VRE’s FY 2022 Revised and FY 2023 Recommended Budgets to the JurisdictionsVRE, budget 01/06/222469Accept and Authorize Distribution of VRE’s FY 2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial ReportVRE, audit 01/06/222468Approve the Amended and Restated Memorandum of Agreement Regarding the Annual Transit Investment from the 395 HOT LanesMOA, Commuter Choice, I-395 01/06/222467Designation of NVTC Signatories and Pension TrusteesSignatories, Pension 01/06/222466Selection of NVTC Representatives to Various BoardsWMATA, Metro, VRE, VTA 12/02/212465Authorize VRE Staff to Advance Public Bond Issuance Backed by the Commuter Rail Operating and Capital (C-ROC) FundVRE; Financial; Debt 12/02/212464Approve the 2022 VRE Legislative AgendaVRE;Legislative 10/07/212463Authorize the VRE CEO to Amend a Site License Agreement for Real Property at Leeland Road StationVRE 10/07/212462Authorize the VRE CEO to Refer the Preliminary FY 2023 VRE Operating and Capital Budget to the JurisdictVRE; Budget 10/07/212461Approve the Commuter Choice on the I-66 Corridor Supplemental Round Four (FY 2022) Program of Projects for Submission to the Commonwealth Transportation Board and Authorize the Executive Director to Execute the Standard Project AgreementsCommuter Choice, I-66 10/07/212460Authorize the Executive Director to Apply to DRPT for Transit Recovery Marketing Initiative Funds and to Execute a Memorandum of Agreement with Local Jurisdictions for the Local MatchGrant; Marketing 9/02/212459Approve the Amended VRE Financial and Debt Management PrinciplesVRE; Financial; Debt 9/02/212458Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute Purchase Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of the NavyVRE; US Navy 9/02/212457Authorize the VRE CEO to Amend Agreements with the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority and with CSXT to Include the Potomac Shores StationVRE; VPA 9/02/212456Authorize the VRE CEO to Amend the Norfolk Southern Operating Access and Amtrak Access and Storage AgreementsVRE; Norfolk Southern 9/02/212455Approve a Memorandum of Agreement Pertaining to NVTC General Counsel ServicesGeneral Counsel; Legal 9/02/212454Authorize the NVTC Executive Director to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements on Behalf of NVTCNon-Disclosure Agreements 7/01/212453Authorize the VRE CEO to Submit L’Enfant Station and Fourth Track Project to USDOT for FY 2021 RAISE Funding ConsiderationVRE; grants 6/03/212452Adopt the Amended FY 2022 VRE Operating BudgetVRE; budget 6/03/212451Authorize the VRE CEO to Enter into a Right-of-Way Easement Agreement with Rappahannock Electric Cooperative for LOU Facility Electric ServiceVRE 6/03/212450Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute a Contract with Alstom Transportation Inc. of New York, New York, for 21 New Passenger RailcarsVRE; Railcars; Alstom 6/03/212449Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Amendment for the Second Year of the Second Option Period of the Contract for Operating Services for Commuter Rail with Keolis Rail Services Virginia, LLCVRE; Keolis 6/03/212448Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Amendment for the First Year of the First Option Period of the Contract for Maintenance Services for Commuter Rail with Keolis Rail Services Virginia, LLCVRE; Keolis 6/03/212447Approve the Commuter Choice on the I-395/95 Corridor Round Two Program of Projects for Submission to the Commonwealth Transportation Board and Authorize the Executive Director to Execute the Standard Project AgreementsCommuter Choice; I-395 6/03/212446Finding Need to Conduct the June 3, 2021 Meeting ElectronicallyNVTC; COVID-19; Electronic Meeting 5/06/212445Appointment of VRE General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer VRE 5/06/212444Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute the Amended and Restated Operating/Access and Amended Master Lease Agreements with CSX TransportationVRE; CSXT 5/06/212443Approve the Third Amended and Restated MOA to the Memorandum of Agreement Transform66: Inside the Beltway Project Commuter Choice, I-66, MOA 5/06/212442Finding Need to Conduct the May 6, 2021 Meeting Electronically NVTC; COVID-19; Electronic Meeting 2/04/212441Authorize the Delay in Approving the NVTC FY 2022 General and Administrative BudgetNVTC; budget 2/04/212440Finding Need to Conduct the March 4, 2021 Meeting Electronically NVTC; COVID-19; electronic meeting 2/04/212439Concurrence in PRTC Authorizing a Bona Fide Offer to Purchase the Land and Improvements Located in Prince William County for VREVRE, PRTC 2/04/212438Approve the FY 2022 State Transit Assistance Applications to DRPTFunding; Grant 2/04/212437Finding Need to Conduct the February 4, 2021 Meeting ElectronicallyNVTC; COVID-19; electronic meeting 1/07/212436Adopt and Refer VRE’s FY 2021 Revised and FY 2022 Recommended Budgets to the JurisdictionsVRE, budget 1/07/212435Accept the 2021 Northern Virginia Regional Fare Collection Strategic PlanWMATA, Fare Collection 1/07/212434Designation of NVTC Signatories and Pension Trusteessignatories, pension 1/07/212433Selection of NVTC Representatives to Various BoardsWMATA, Metro, VRE, VTA 1/07/212432Finding Need to Conduct the January 7, 2021 NVTC Meeting ElectronicallyNVTC, COVID-19, electronic meeting 12/3/202431Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Agreement with the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA), or Alternatively the Department of Rail and Public Transportation for Later Assignment to the VPRA, for Passenger Rail Improvements and Funding VRE, VPRA 12/3/202430Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Agreement with the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA), or Alternatively the Department of Rail and Public Transportation for Later Assignment to the VPRA, for Passenger Rail Operations and Access VRE, VPRA 12/3/202429Authorize the VRE CEO to Execute an Agreement with the City of Manassas Park for the Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of a Parking Garage at the VRE Manassas Park StationVRE, Manassas Park, parking 12/3/202428Approve the 2021 VRE Legislative Agenda VRE, legislative 12/3/202427Accept and Authorize Distribution of VRE’s FY 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) VRE, audit, CAFR 12/3/202426Finding Need to Conduct the December 3, 2020 NVTC Meeting ElectronicallyNVTC, COVID-19, electronic meeting Showing 1 to 155 of 410 entries‹123›