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Washington Metrorail Safety Commission

The Washington Metrorail Safety Commission (WMSC) is an independent agency that oversees and enforces safety practices on WMATA’s Metrorail system. The WMSC is comprised of six Commissioners and three alternates with expertise in transportation safety and represent Virginia, the District of Columbia and Maryland.  The WMSC reviews Metrorail’s safety plans, adopts investigation reports, considers Metrorail’s progress on Corrective Action Plans, and monitors and reviews Metrorail’s efforts to fix issues identified in investigations, audits, or other reviews.  The WSMC has substantially stronger safety oversight authority than the previous safety oversight agency, the Tri-State Oversight Committee.

The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) required new State Safety Oversight programs for all rail agencies in the United States.  The WMSC fulfills this role, and it was created through an interstate compact agreed to by Virginia, the District of Columbia, Maryland, and with the approval of Congress and the President.  The interstate compact was signed into law in August 2017.  After substantial efforts to stand up and staff the WMSC, the Federal Transit Administration certified the WMSC to assume direct oversight responsibility for Metrorail in March 2019.

NVTC supports the WMSC’s mission to ensure continual safety improvements in the Metrorail system.

Important WMSC Documents and Reports

History of NVTC Actions regarding the WMSC

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