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Maps and Interactive Tools

Northern Virginia contains a network of bus, commuter rail and Metrorail services that connect six counties, six cities and a population of more than 2 million. NVTC creates tools such as StoryMaps, interactive and static maps and our NoVaTransit Data Dashboard to help convey the importance of transit in Northern Virginia. 


NVTC created the StoryMaps below to explore different facets of local transit.

A StoryMap is an interactive site that allows users to learn more about data and information in a hands-on way. StoryMaps combine maps, images and texts that allow the reader to dive deeper into the story. You can click, scroll, and zoom on the maps to explore the region. Clicking elements on the maps will bring up more information.

How Transit is Funded in Northern Virginia
interactive guide

The Value of Northern Virginia Transit to the Commonwealth

How Investments in Northern Virginia’s Transit Deliver $1.5 Billion in Statewide Benefits Annually

Advancing Bus Priority: An Interactive Report

The Value of Northern Virginia Transit to the Commonwealth

This interactive map shows what transit routes serve each State Senate, House of Delegates and Congressional districts in Northern Virginia.

The tool allows you to:

  • Compare legislative districts
  • Filter to specific districts, transit agencies and jurisdictions
  • Find details on population, household, number of transit routes and which delegate, senator and member of Congress represents the locality
Northern Virginia Public Transit Legislative Map
Use this interactive map to explore the intersection of public transit and the State Senate, House of Delegates, and Congressional Districts in Northern Virginia.

Below is a selection of static maps NVTC created to further the understanding of transit’s role in the region.

NoVaTransit Data Dashboard

Our NoVaTransit Data Dashboard provides on-demand access to detailed information on the eight transit systems serving the region. It features regularly updating data on ridership, service, access to transit and other key metrics for Metrorail, Metrobus, Virginia Railway Express, DASH, Fairfax Connector, City of Fairfax-CUE, Loudoun County Transit and OmniRide. We hope this dashboard will be useful for understanding how much of an impact transit has for the region.

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