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Transit Data and Analysis

The Transit Data and Analysis program provides technical assistance to member jurisdictions; collects, analyzes, and reports data from all NVTC’s programs; and supports coordination with other regional transportation organizations.


NVTC’s NoVaTransit Data Dashboard provides on-demand access to detailed information on the eight transit systems serving the region. The NoVaTransit Data Dashboard features regularly updating data on ridership, service, access to transit and other key metrics for Metrorail, Metrobus, Virginia Railway Express, DASH, Fairfax Connector, City of Fairfax-CUE, Loudoun County Transit and OmniRide.

This dashboard will be a living source of the region’s transit data and replaces static reports NVTC previously published. It will be updated based on data provided by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, transit agency General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) files and annual census updates. NVTC also intends to add new features to the dashboard as the tool matures

NTD Support

NVTC works with local governments to coordinate collection of performance data for the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) National Transit Database (NTD), manages a contract for NTD data collection on behalf of Northern Virginia’s transit systems, and oversees  data collection efforts to facilitate the receipt of federal funds to the region.

Data Sources

NVTC works with Northern Virginia transit partners, WMATA, the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to provide comprehensive data regarding transit service and other key factors. Please see the links below to access a wide variety of transit-related data.

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