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Annual Report on the Performance and Condition of WMATA

NVTC is proud to continue advancing public transit in Northern Virginia by presenting timely policy recommendations as the region develops strategies to address long-term, sustainable funding for WMATA. At varying scales and timelines, transit agencies nationwide face unparalleled budget deficits as once reliable revenue streams struggle to keep pace with increased costs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic which upended ridership and brought historic levels of inflation across all industries. 

Long-Term, Sustainable, Dedicated Funding

Several key initiatives focused on a long-term financial solution for WMATA and other transit agencies in the region began this year. WMATA and MWCOG launched DMVMoves, a project that seeks to develop a vision for world-class transit, identify the scale of the financial need for WMATA and other transit agencies and offer sustainable funding concepts for the region. Virginia’s General Assembly established a Joint Subcommittee through Senate Joint Resolution 28 to begin exploring new potential revenue sources to meet the growing needs of WMATA and other public transit operators in Northern Virginia. 

As the region explores long-term, sustainable, dedicated funding, NVTC plays a vital role by advancing these critical conversations, providing technical expertise and coordinating a Virginia consensus position on all matters related to transit funding. The region must remain laser-focused on developing a long-term, sustainable, dedicated funding solution for WMATA over the next year in preparation for the FY 2027 budget process. 

Read the New Report

Current Report

Previous Reports

RecommendationDirected To
Continue to work with federal, state, regional and local funding partners to develop long term, sustainable, dedicated funding to meet Metro’s capital and operating needs.VA, MD, DC and NVTC
Preserve additional state aid (FY 2026) and operating cap re-baselining contained in the two-year state budget.VA
Establish a revised Virginia and Maryland legislative operating assistance growth cap.VA, MD and WMATA Board
Sustain rail and bus service levels to continue an ongoing ridership recovery. WMATA Board and funding jurisdictions
Establish a reserve fund and associated fiscal management policies at Metro.WMATA Board and funding jurisdictions
Return federal workers to the office and secure a replacement for the region’s losses in fares from riders using federal transit benefits. Federal government
Identify opportunities to coordinate transit technology and associated policies across the region to benefit riders and find cost savings. WMATA, VRE and transit agencies
Formalize the functions and scope of a WMATA Board audit committee to enhance oversight via a coordinated jurisdictional audit.VA, MD, DC and WMATA Board
Manage labor cost escalation through reforms to pension and other post-employment benefits (OPEB).
• Increase worker contributions to pensions and OPEB to reflect national averages.
• Limit or prohibit overtime earnings towards retirement pay.
• Implement OIG findings to improve controls and governance and explore alternative retirement plans for new employees in the next collective bargaining process.
WMATA and labor unions
Require consideration of Metro’s fiscal condition in binding arbitration. U.S. Congress

Several recommendations are already advancing via the DMVMoves and SJ 28 initiatives.

Cost Savings at WMATA

The report also provides updates and examples of WMATA’s ongoing efforts and accomplishments around mitigating fare evasion, enhancing security, the Better Bus Network, progress on updating the subsidy allocation formulas, improving transparency and finding cost savings. WMATA made great strides over the last year in identifying cost savings in its operating and capital budgets by reducing administrative costs, tackling fare evasion on the Metrorail system with the installation of new faregates and, perhaps most notably, the execution of the new collective bargaining agreement with Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 689 – the largest of WMATA’s labor unions – featuring a wage freeze for FY 2025 and further cost controls thereafter. 

Legislative Requirement for the Annual Report on the Performance and Condition of WMATA 

NVTC is required by state code (§33.2-3403) to report annually (by December 15) to the Governor and General Assembly on the performance and condition of WMATA.  

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