NVTC serves as Virginia’s voice on the WMATA Board of Directors, manages regional and state funding for Metro on behalf of NVTC’s local jurisdictions, and publishes an annual policy and data report on the performance and condition of WMATA.
NVTC enjoys a special relationship with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), as it is charged with the funding and stewardship of Metro. Founded in 1964, in part to represent the interests of the Commonwealth during the creation of Metrorail, NVTC continues to serve as Virginia’s voice on the Metro Board of Directors through its appointments to the panel. The Metro board — established through an interstate compact between Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia — determines agency policy and provides oversight for funding, operations, and the expansion of transit facilities.
In addition to its appointments to the Metro board, NVTC has a wide array of roles and responsibilities that pertain to Metro. The Commission manages regional and state funding for Metro on behalf of NVTC’s local jurisdictions and reports Metro’s ridership data. NVTC also provides a forum for regional dialogue on Metro -related issues, coordinates with Metro and local jurisdictions on the Commission’s regional fare collection program, and facilitates a Northern Virginia transit response coordination group to assist in planning efforts in the event of Metrorail service disruptions.
Virginia’s 2018 transit omnibus legislation expands NVTC’s role and relationship with Metro by adding specific oversight and reporting responsibilities. They include the requirements that NVTC certify receipt of certain documents and reports from Metro and provide an annual report to the Governor and General Assembly on the performance and condition of Metro.

photos: courtesy of WMATA

NVTC is empowered through the Code of Virginia (§ 33.2-1907.B.) and the WMATA Compact to make appointments to the WMATA Board of Directors. NVTC appoints two principal directors and two alternate directors to the WMATA board. One of the appointments must include the Transportation Secretary of Virginia or his/her designee as a principal director. Board members serve a term of four years with a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Recent transit omnibus legislation restricts the role of alternate directors on the WMATA board, and recent changes to WMATA Bylaws clarify that alternate directors may participate at WMATA board meetings only in the absence of the director for whom he/she has been appointed as an alternate. So that NVTC’s appointments to the WMATA board can speak on behalf of all Virginia funding partners, NVTC provides staff support to the Virginia WMATA board members and provides a venue for discussion of WMATA-related issues that affect NVTC jurisdictions.