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Joint Regional Public Transportation Meeting

VDOT NoVa District Office 4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA, United States

The Northern Virginia District Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) meeting on May 1 will serve as the required joint public meeting with the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, the Northern Virginia Transportation…

Executive Committee

NVTC-Suite 230 2300 Wilson Blvd, #230, Arlington, VA, United States

Meeting materials.

Commission Meeting

NVTC- 1st Floor Conf. Room 2300 Wilson Blvd., Arlington

Meeting materials.

Route 7 Community Open House

Mary Riley Styles Public Library 120 N. Virginia Avenue, Falls Church, VA, United States

Enjoy local baked goods and join the conversation to better understand Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and what that could mean for this community. Engage with the project team staff and…

Executive Committee

NVTC-Suite 230 2300 Wilson Blvd, #230, Arlington, VA, United States

Meeting materials.

Commission Meeting

NVTC- 1st Floor Conf. Room 2300 Wilson Blvd., Arlington

Meeting materials.

Executive Committee

NVTC-Suite 230 2300 Wilson Blvd, #230, Arlington, VA, United States

meeting materials

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