The Transit Technology Program oversees the development and implementation of NVTC’s Northern Virginia Zero-Emission Bus Strategic Plan and Regional Fare Collection Strategic Plan. It also engages with local, national and industry stakeholders to improve transit through innovative and emerging transit technology.
Northern Virginia is making strides towards a zero-emission future as its transit agencies incorporate zero-emission buses (ZEBs) into their fleets. As of November 2023, both DASH and Fairfax Connector have battery electric buses (BEBs) in service, and Arlington Transit and Loudoun County Transit have placed orders for limited numbers of BEBs. Hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs) are another zero-emission option, and agencies in the region are interested in testing them for longer distance routes. As ZEB technologies continue to mature, NVTC plays an important role by fostering conversations about lessons learned and evaluating ways to share resources across the region.
Northern Virginia Zero-Emission Bus Strategic Plan
The Commission, with support from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT), published its Northern Virginia Zero-Emission Bus Strategic Plan in January 2024.
The plan identifies six strategies to support Northern Virginia transit agencies’ zero-emission bus transitions over the next five years:
- Serve as a Regional ZEB Forum
- Advocate for Consistent and Supportive ZEB Standards and Policies
- Provide Regional ZEB Funding Coordination
- Support Development of Shared BEB Charging Infrastructure
- Evaluate Opportunities for Private Partnerships Related to ZEBs
- Support ZEB Workforce Training and Education
Want to Learn More About ZEBs? Check out these resources:
- Guidebook for Deploying Zero-Emission Transit Buses (TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)
- Charging Forward: A Toolkit for Planning and Funding Urban Electric Mobility Infrastructure (US Department of Transportation)
- Joint Office of Energy and Transportation
- DASH Zero-Emissions Fleet (Alexandria, VA)
- Fairfax Connector’s Battery Electric Bus Fleet
- WMATA Zero-Emission Buses
- ART Zero-Emissions Bus Study (Arlington, VA)

Northern Virginia transit systems envision an enhanced, regionally integrated fare collection system with local flexibility to meet evolving customer expectations. As a result, NVTC works closely with its regional partners and WMATA to coordinate improvements to fare collection technology and track trends in fare policy.
Zero-Fare & Reduced-Fare Options
A 2021 analysis by NVTC found that eliminating or reducing fares for public transit users can improve access, increase ridership and produce added community benefits. NVTC’s Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia Transit Providers white paper provides Commissioners and policy makers a high-level overview of options and considerations when evaluating potential zero- or reduced-fare programs. The September 2021 publication of the report remains timely, as more transit systems across the nation weigh the advantages and considerations of zero or reduced fares.
Locally, the DASH and CUE bus systems are operating fare free. DASH released a Fare-Free Program Report in December 2022, and CUE has information about its fare-free pilot on its website.
NVTC, in coordination with Northern Virginia transit agencies, developed the 2021 Northern Virginia Regional Fare Collection Strategic Plan to guide fare collection initiatives for Northern Virginia. It establishes thirteen actions that support and promote the enhancement of the fare collection systems used by Northern Virginia transit systems and WMATA.