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Commuter Choice

Commuter Choice, a trailblazing, innovative and competitive grant program, reinvests Express Lanes toll revenues in public transit and other transportation improvements along the I-66 and I-395/95 corridors in Northern Virginia.

Program Goals

Commuter Choice projects benefit Express Lanes toll payers by expanding travel options and helping more people move more efficiently through the I-66 and I-395/95 corridors, thereby lessening congestion and supporting reliable travel speeds.

Benefits of Commuter Choice Funding
FAQs about Commuter Choice

Commuter Choice, established in 2017, is a partnership of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC) and the Commonwealth of Virginia. The program invests toll revenues from the I-66 and I-395/95 expressway corridors in Northern Virginia into transit and multimodal projects that benefit their respective corridor’s toll road users. Commuter Choice aims to improve the lives of Northern Virginians by supporting the regional economy, increasing mobility options, and reducing congestion and emissions.

Commuter Choice supports mobility goals for both expressway corridors by funding multimodal transportation improvements that move more people, expand transportation options and make the transportation network work better for commuters.

NVTC receives a portion of the revenues from I-66 Inside the Beltway peak-hour, peak-direction tolling and the I-395/95 Express Lanes to invest in multimodal transportation projects that benefit users of the respective toll road. Projects are selected through a competitive process. Commuter Choice supports local jurisdictions and transit agencies by offering both capital and operating funds for a range of improvements, including transit service enhancements.

Local jurisdictions and transit agencies can apply for projects that meet at least one of the program goals. Project categories include:

  • Expanded transit services and related capital improvements
  • Roadway improvements specific to the corridor
  • Access to transit improvements
  • Transportation system management strategies
  • Transportation Demand Management efforts

Jurisdictions and transit agencies shown in the figure below are eligible to apply for Commuter Choice funding.

Commuter Choice has increased I-66 Inside the Beltway and I-395/95 corridor commuters’ travel options by funding expanded local and express bus service and infrastructure improvements to make accessing and using transit easier and more attractive, among other enhancements. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, NVTC provided Commuter Choice grant recipients with flexibility to adjust transit service levels and project implementation approaches to meet reduced travel demand while continuing to support essential travel needs. To maximize the benefits that Commuter Choice provides to toll payers, NVTC encourages Northern Virginia jurisdictions and transit operators to pursue funding for capital projects that will help to improve travel in the two corridors for years to come. For more information on the strategies that Commuter Choice has supported and the impacts of these investments, please see the Commuter Choice Funded Projects page.

Local and Commonwealth investment in public transit and other multimodal projects is essential to ensure the availability of reliable transportation to cover basic needs and to provide access to educational and career opportunities in the Washington metropolitan region. Even people who do not use Commuter Choice-funded services benefit from the growth of a safe, sustainable and more connected transportation network.

photo courtesy of VDOT
Commuter Choice is a partnership between NVTC and VDOT, DRPT and on the I-395/95 corridor, the Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission.
logo, blue letters, Virginia Department of Transportation
logo, blue letters, Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
logo, OmniRide
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