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About NVTC

NVTC serves as a regional forum for the discussion and analysis of transit issues that are critical to our economy and quality of life. Founded in 1964, in part to represent the interests of the Commonwealth during the establishment of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), NVTC is charged with the funding and stewardship of WMATA and the Virginia Railway Express (VRE), which it co-owns. Because Northern Virginia is also home to six bus systems, NVTC works across jurisdictional boundaries to coordinate transit service.


As the premier transit organization in Northern Virginia, NVTC brings the region together to plan, coordinate and secure funding for transit systems that are financially sustainable and high performing.


Northern Virginia businesses and residents are served by a high capacity, high quality network of transit systems that allows our diverse region to thrive economically.

Strategic Goals:

  • Increase the capacity of the regional transit network by expanding and improving the quality, coverage and frequency of new and existing systems, including Metro, VRE, and new transit services.
  • Improve access and mobility throughout Northern Virginia by connecting the regional and local transit systems.
  • Promote safe, reliable and financially sound performance and management of regional transit systems.
Serving the Transit Needs of Northern Virginia by
  • Managing state and regional funding for six bus systems, Metrorail and VRE
  • Administering the Commuter Choice program
  • Directing joint procurement efforts for new fare box technologies
  • Analyzing regional transit ridership to identify trends and opportunities
  • Providing Northern Virginia-focused transit research and technical expertise

NVTC’s governing body consists of 21 Commissioners and five alternates. NVTC officers are elected in January and serve for one year. Fourteen Commissioners are locally elected officials from NVTC’s six jurisdictions.

NVTC’s jurisdictions are:

  • Arlington County (3 members)
  • Fairfax County (5 members)
  • Loudoun County (2 members)
  • City of Alexandria (2 members)
  • City of Fairfax (1 member)
  • City of Falls Church (1 member)

The General Assembly appoints six Commissioners and Virginia’s Secretary of Transportation appoints one Commissioner.

Read more about the Commissioners
Policies & Governing Documents
Commission Meetings

Virginia’s two principal and two alternate members to the Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA or Metro).

Five principal members and three alternates to the  Virginia Railway Express Operations Board.

Two principal members and two alternates to the Virginia Transit Association Board of Directors.

The Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC) was established to manage and control the functions, affairs, and property of the Northern Virginia Transportation District, which was created by the 1964 Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Chapter 630, and the Transportation District Act. The purpose of the Act is to facilitate “planning and developing a transportation system for Northern Virginia and for the safety, comfort and convenience of its citizens and for the economical utilization of public funds.” The duties and powers of the commission are set in Sections 33.2-1900 through 33.2-1934 of the Virginia Code.

Learn more about our 60th Anniversary
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