Public comment on the projects under consideration for I-66 Commuter Choice Fiscal Year 2025-2026 funding is now closed. The information on these pages is provided for reference only.
The public comment period was open between April 12-May 13, 2024.
I-66 Commuter Choice funds projects to improve the reliability and efficiency of travel along the corridor by moving more peak-period, peak-direction travelers and expanding the range of attractive travel options for commuters. Funded projects must benefit toll payers of the I-66 corridor.
The public comment period was open between April 12-May 13, 2024. The comment period is now closed. Comments were accepted via the methods below:
- Completing a feedback form online.
- Sending an email with 500 words or less to You may also contact us at this address with any questions you have about the projects under consideration for funding.
- Providing public testimony by leaving a voicemail message (up to 3 minutes) at (571) 721-1451.*
All feedback will be shared with NVTC’s Commissioners prior to approval of a program of projects.
* Individuals wishing to provide testimony via voicemail message will be allowed up to three minutes to provide recorded testimony. All testimony will be transcribed and submitted into the public record.